Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MOM he's annoying me again!

All I seem to hear lately is " MOM BROTHERS BEING ANNOYING" ....."STOP IT STUPID"...." HE STARTED IT...NO I DIDN'T HE DID!" and many other lovely phrases. Of course it's usually when I'm nursing the baby, changing his diaper, cooking dinner ext. They just know when I'm doing something that I can't just walk away from to go referee. So it just ends up with me yelling at them to knock it off and stop yelling and messing with each other. Then I stop and have a light bulb moment (um hello ding dong you just yelled at them to quite yelling at each other?!??) that makes a whole lotta sense! I should just get a dam whistle and play referee to them:) The joys of motherhood, you gotta love the little monsters though they make every day exciting! ♥


  1. as you say they do it at the inappropriate times, try ignoring them let them punch lumps out of each other, you would be surprised how quick it stops when there is no pleasure in it.

  2. Thanks so much for joining the “OH WHAT A HAPPY DAY” link party today!


  3. Oh boy do I know how you feel! My kids are 2 and 7 and they fight like cat and dog (usually the little one bullying the big one!) I tell my eldest that unless somebody's hurt, or something's broken I just don't wanna know - and then I close my eyes and let them get on with it. LOL.

    1. Isn't funny how the younger ones can be so feisty!

    2. Ha! That's what I do too. I tell them if there's no blood then they need to figure it out on their own. It's so hard to ignore all the noise though! Especially when they follow you around everywhere.

  4. When I finally get a second to go to the toilet is when my boys start lol.

  5. Ahhh the sounds of parenting! My kids can't be in the same room with each other without one being annoyed by the other!
