Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Me and the boys made some chocolate chip cookies today. We have a few yummy chocolate chip cookie recipes. One of them being Nestle ; ) but we decided on this chewy one today. Freshed baked cookies and a glass of milk make everything better right? The boys licked there plate clean literally so they must be yummy!

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • 2 1/4 all purpose flour (spooned & leveled)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  •  1 1/2 tsp corn starch
  •  1/2 tsp salt
  •  3/4 cup or 1 1/2 sticks of butter (melted)
  •  3/4 cup light brown sugar
  •  1 large egg and 1 egg yolk
  •  2 tsp vanilla extract
  •  12 oz bag of chocolate chips or chunks
*Makes 16 Large Cookies*

In medium bowl whisk melted butter, brown sugar and white sugar together until there are no brown sugar lumps. Whisk in the egg, egg yolk and vanilla. Add the dry ingredients flour, baking soda, corn starch and salt. Mix together (the dough will be very soft). Fold in the chocolate chips.  Cover and chill for 2 hrs or up to 3 days.   (You NEED to chill the dough or the cookies will spread flat).

Preheat oven to 325°. Roll dough into balls (the dough will be crumbly but the heat from your hands will keep it intact). If you want them to look luscious gently press some extra chocolate chips on top. Bake for 11-12 minutes (No longer then 12 minutes). The cookies will look very soft and under baked. Allow them to set on the cookie sheet for 10 minutes before removing them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Enjoy! If you try them out let me know what you think. : ) What's your favorite kind of cookie?

Stuck In My head!

My little guy got the fisher price puppy not to long ago. He loves it he'll bob his head, smile, giggle and clap when it's singing and playing music. Of course I'll sing along while it's going. Now some of the songs are stuck in my head lol! This isn't the first time this has happened. Having 3 kiddos it's happened more times then I can count : ) I'm sure it'll be something else stuck in my head it's just a matter of time.

Do you have one of your kids songs stuck in your head from a toy or tv show?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let Me Know If You Like It Better!

I changed the background color. Would you mind letting me know if you like it better this way or the other and if it's easier to read. Thanks so much I really appreciate it : )

Poor Little Guy!

Little man had his 12 month check up (a little earlier then he was supposed to because his doc was gonna be outta town) and unfortunately it didn't go as smoothly as I had hopped. They weighed him he's 19 pounds and 28.5 in long. The doctor came in the room to check him and ask the normal questions they ask at every visit. He showed me his chart and said he's doing pretty good normal steady growth for him. Then he was going over how much food and milk does he get a day. Once I told him he's still pretty much exclusively nursing and not really interested in food yet (he might take a small taste of something or he just doesn't want anything to do with any food) he gave me this are you serious what the hell is wrong with you look. That's when he said oh no his weight is a little low, he needs more calories, he should be sleeping straight threw the night not waking at all to eat. He told me not to breastfeed him until he's ate food first and then I could give him whole milk or nurse if I wanted to. After that he asked if I had any concerns. I brought up that he's not crawling yet or walking (I'm not really to concerned with it though he's right on trace with everything and he can get from one spot to the next he's recently been trying to pull up on things to I just figure he will when he's good and ready to). The doctor checked him out and said his tone seems just fine and he tries to take steps when you stand him up and hold his hands. So he said to bring him back in 1 month to see if he's made any progress and to check his weight. After that It was time for the dreaded shots and finger prick. Poor little guy was a trooper though. The nurse came back in to tell me that his levels were 9.5 and they should be 10. They then sent me down to get blood work done (I felt so bad for this poor baby multiple shots, 2 finger pricks and now blood work). The lady was having trouble finding a good vein but stuck him any way and missed, she didn't end up getting any blood and so he has to go threw it again! I got a call from his doctors office the next day saying they never received anything yet. I told her what happened and that we need to go back, she got a little snotty with me and said we'll he needs it done sooner rather then later. I'm more than a little annoyed and pissed with the whole situation. Any way we went back this morning to try again it was a different person this time and he got it thankfully cause I wouldn't put him threw that a third time. I asked if there was a big difference doing it this way then a finger prick and he says no its pretty much the same thing. So I don't know why they had him get it done then. Little man's asleep in my arms now so I figured I would vent. Sorry this is so long sometimes I just ramble : )

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer Ideas For Kids! #2

Today we read one of the Rainbow Fish books. So I figured why not have the boys make a easy fish craft after we finished the story. My middle boy was all for it but my oldest is at that stage where every things to babyish. He did the craft any way though. Can you tell which one is his? : ) It's a really easy basic craft.

Fish Craft
  • Card stock (what ever color you like)
  • Sequin 
  • Glue
  • Scissors
Draw your fish body on the card stock with a pencil and cut out. Use paper to make the eyes  (you could also use googly eyes if you like). Glue on sequin. Its a super simple craft but the kids enjoy decorating there fish : )

Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer Ideas For Kids! #1

Happy Friday! I thought I would do a little summer fun ideas "series" to help keep the kids busy this summer. I'm always on look out for different ideas to do with the kids for when there in the "I'm bored there's nothing to do"  kinda mood. Hopefully it will help give you fun ideas to do with your kids : ) The weather was beautiful and warm until the last day of school. Then it turned cold and rainy (go figure!). So we've been doing inside stuff. Here's what we did today.

Make a Monster & Write a Story
  • Paper
  • Google eyes
  • Markers / colored pencils / crayons
Glue google eyes on a piece of paper. Have the kids drawn there monsters around the eyes and what ever else they would like. When there done have them make up a story to go with there picture. The kids really get into it and it will keep them busy for awhile. That's always a good thing!

Hopeful these ideas help you keep this kids occupied and from being bored at least for a little while : )  Let me know if you find these ideas helpful. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Teacher Gifts!

The boys are officially out of school for the summer. On the last day the boys brought in little thank you gifts for there teachers and helpers. My oldest has a homeroom teacher and a special educations teacher. He also has a helper that goes with him to both classes and a extra helper in his special educations class. My other son only has his regular teacher. We only got presents for those teachers cause if I did for all of the extra teachers/specialists I would go broke : ) I just made little framed quotes for each of them and smores kits. The boys wrote cards and drew each a picture (I also put a dunkin donuts/baskin robins gift card in there card just for the teachers though). The boys were really excited to give the presents to there teachers. Hopefully they liked them : ) For the framed quote I found these cute frames at Michaels (craft store) and hot glued some paper flowers on. The quote I found online and printed to size as best I could. I thought it would be cute for there desk.

What's For Dinner Wednesday!

Happy hump day! Tonight's dinner was good old cheese lasagna and homemade garlic bread. We haven't had it in awhile and I ate to much and my stomach is hurting now ; ) There really easy recipes but super yummy!

Cheese Lasagna
  • Pkg of lasagna noodles
  • 15oz (small container) ricotta cheese
  • 2 jars spaghetti sauce
  • 1 pd Mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tbls parsley flakes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
Preheat oven to 375º bring a pot of water to a boil. Once water is boiling cook the noodles according to the package. While the noodles are cooking combined the ricotta cheese, Parmesan, parsley flakes, eggs, salt and pepper. Mix till completely combined. When the noodles are done cooking drain them and rise under cold water. You can either line your baking dish with foil (easier clean up) or just spread some of the spaghetti sauce on the bottom of the dish then start layering noodles, cheese mixture, shredded mozzarella, sauce. Repeat again but after the sauce top it with mozzarella. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

Garlic Bread

● 4 cloves garlic (crushed)
● 2 tbls butter
● 2 tbls extra virgin olive oil
● 1 loaf crusty bread
● parsley

Combine garlic, butter and olive oil. Heat in microwave for 1 minute or small sauce pan on low heat for 3 minutes. Spread the melted mixture over the bread evenly and boil for 1-3 minutes. Make sure to keep an eye on it so it doesn't over cook (burn).

Enjoy! If you try it out let me know what you think :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just Make It Threw The Day!

The day has barely begun and I'm already thinking to my self please give me the patients and strength to make it threw the day without ringing my sons neck or running away! (I'm just kidding I would never really ring my kids neck or run away so please don't freak out I'm really not a bad mom). Some days well actually MOST days are very trying. It's exhausting just being a mom but its really exhausting when one of your kids has "special needs" and everything just takes a little more thought, effort, time, planning, patients, understanding, sympathy. If you have a child with any kind of "special needs" I'm sure you understand.  Don't get me wrong I adore and love my boys more than anything in the world. They've brought so much love and joy into my life (saved my life) and I'm so very thankful for that! It's just hard and frustrating some times. Today was the boys last day of school (I'm excited and dreading it at the same time lol). I'm excited to have them with me all day and spend time with them and do fun stuff this summer. But I'm also dreading the arguing, complaining, fighting, drama (you get what I mean). This morning was craziness and my oldest had a melt down every time I asked him to do something he would respond with "I can't" lets just say it was a fun morning. Shockingly I managed to get a picture with both of them smiling.

I dropped the boys off to there last day of school (its only 1hr long). I had just enough time to take a breath and collect myself (I'm currently blessed with my monthly present so I'm gonna go ahead and blame my bitchiness and lack of patients on that :) The boys got home and my oldest was happy he got a tennis racket and balls as an award from his P.E. teacher for being best in his class :). He also got a most artistic award my middle boy got one for academic achievement and reading :) GOOD JOB BOYS! Shortly after they got home the bickering started lol. Oh well it'll be an interesting summer i guess. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

End Of The Year Classmate Gift!

My two older boys last day of school is tomorrow and the boys wanted to give there classmates a little end of the year gift. Well between both of them there are 62 kids in there classes so I was looking on line for a quick cute affordable idea. I found a few and asked the boys which one they wanted to do. They both agreed on this one. So off to the store we went to grab the supplies.

Krazy Kool Summer Gift
  • Krazy straws (I got them from dollar tree 6pk for $1 walmart has them to)
  • Single serve kool aid pouches (I got them at walmart 12pk for under $2)
  • Water balloons (walmart $1 per pk dollar tree has them to I believe there 100 per pk)
  • Spool of curly ribbon (walmart under $1)
  • Krazy kool summer tag (I found them online and printed them out)
  • Pretzel rod bags (I had some left over from other projects but walmart has them I believe its a pk of 20 for around $1.75)

They were easy and pretty quick to put together. The boys will be handing them out tomorrow hopefully there friends like them : ) 

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I've been mia the past few days its been so nice out and we've been busy this weekend:) Friday my oldest son had his end of the year 3rd grade picnic. Where we live they go kinder threw 3rd and then move on to a new school. So the 3rd grade picnic is like there big farewell. It wasn't the best weather that day but the kids had a good time anyway : ) I forgot to take pics of everything but I did get a couple.

Saturday we had a lot of errands to run. I didn't get to many done though it was to nice and the boys would rather be playing. I cant blame them though : ) After we got some stuff done the boys went to get hair cuts. Then the rest of the day we just hung out and played outside. I love watching them run around playing with big smiles on there faces. I should have taken pics but i didn't.

Sunday we had a cousins graduation party to go to. My little guy decided to wake up wake up at 4:45 that morning and he kept waking up alot (more then normal) threw out the night to. So i wasn't sure how happy he would be at the party. That was ok though cause i had a tray of pasta salad and fruit i need to make before the party. The party started at 12:00 and we were there pretty much all day. The boys had a great time. They live in an old farm house so they have alot of land for the kids to run around and play on. They had a bounce house, games set up, pinatas, a big fire pit for making smores and they got chicks not to long ago and the boys love petting them and just watching them. My grandma was there to so the boys got to spend some time with her which was nice. My mom was there to shes in the picture with little man (shes not your "typical" grandma lol) It ended up being a really nice day : ) The boys were exhausted by the time we got home and they knocked out right away.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fruit Sauce....Yummy!

It was hot today and I was in the mood for something refreshing but sweet. So I decided I'd make a fruit sauce and have some fruit. The fruit alone is yummy but with the sauce and extras it was a yummy treat : ) The recipes super easy and quick!

Fruit Sauce
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of yogurt (what ever kind you like i used regular vanilla yoplait today)
  • 2 tsp honey (to your taste preference)
  • Juice from 1/2 a orange (I only had cuties so I just used 2 of those)
Add everything together and blend it until its nice and smooth. That's it I told you it was super quick and easy ; ) Just a side note this does make a lot so if you just want a little for yourself I would cut the recipe in half.

For the fruit I just used what we had which was a apple, pineapple, cantaloupe, honey dew and watermelon. I poured some fruit sauce over the fruit and topped with some shredded coconut and almond slices. It was delicious! Enjoy! If you give it a try let me know what you think:)